Home Fri3d 2024 Game Results

Fri3d 2024 Game Results

Fri3d Camp 2024 is over and so we must analyse the stats from this year’s PolyGen game!

General Stats

  • Total players: 525
  • Total players scoring over 1,000 points: 386
  • Total players score 4,579,331
  • Total unit captures: 12,437
  • Total unit visits: 12,722
  • Total output boosts: 1,280
  • Players who set a codename: 52
  • Players too lazy to set a codename: 473
  • Maximum Units Online: 19
  • Units Failed: 1 (Coder Dojo - Swapped out)
  • Player reusing tokens from previous events: 3

Some players decided it was good to use a payment card or secure card to play:

  • Total payment/secure cards used: 6
  • Unidentified Type: 5
  • Mastercard: 1

The game records which audio clip it played to the player when they registered. It doesn’t save any card information or try to access the payment applications on the cards, it just queries the 2PAY.SYS file to see which payment applications exist on the card. It doesn’t try hard, and gives up quickly if it can’t. This is why most cards are simply identified as payment cards. Players who used a payment card would have heard something like “Visa Debit card accepted, authorising donation to Polybius Biotech please wait… Just kidding.”.

Team Stats

Team NameTotal PlayersHighest Single Capture ScoreTeam ScoreTeam VisitsTotal Unique Player VisitsTotal CapturesTotal Player Unique CapturesUnits DiscoveredAverage Player Score
GFY Corporation1443196016981133994121636881043211792.4514
Malevolant Enterprises116205018185732856941302485757056.6638
Nepharodine Group178481741442739439413944124120848105.2753

Units by total captures.

Unit NameTotal Captures
Showers Central1380
Washing Up Central1377
Piller in central area1197
Bar (Back)1104
Central Crossroads926
Bar (Front)822
Central Sign765
Dome (Main Area)688
Shelter Path492
Passage to Coder Dojo429
Main Area Entrance424
Car park near chapel393
Coder Dojo258
Stone Table163
Octo Benches149
Coder Dojo (old)120
PolyGen Home Base120

Top 10 Players

Player NameTotal ScoreTeam Name
oenieke218851GFY Corporation
Brixel2142653GFY Corporation
[Prowler]141639Nepharodine Group
[Spider-Gwen]94021GFY Corporation
Monkey.D.purple93144Nepharodine Group
[The Meddling Monk]87202Malevolant Enterprises
[Happy Hogan]72319Rebels
Benny71150GFY Corporation
Fofi69917Malevolant Enterprises

Unit Battery Monitoring

Each unit reports its battery voltage regularly. The following shows how each unit was doing, and as you can see, one unit wasn’t fully charged when deployed!

Unit Voltage Graph You can also access the more interactive version if the game server is online on https://scores.gen.polyb.io/public/question/4d8249a6-bb09-4ad9-b7ae-222e9e3b4ee2

Very pleased to report that they still had a fair bit of power left even at the end of the event. The units with the most captures had the lowest battery voltage at the end of the event at 3.54 volts.

Units are regarded as low battery and start sending alerts when they reach 3.35 volts. When they reach 3.05 volts they are regarded as depleted and will power off. There is a secondary protection built into the power regulator that will shutdown when the battery voltage drops to 2.5 volts. Thankfully no recharging was required!

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